Terms and Conditions

 for online shop with Black No 1

General terms for products bought online:
You have 30 days return period of items bought online. Items must be in same condition, as when you received it. Please make sure to fill out the return form, you received with the package, . Gift certificates can not be exchanged to money. 
If you for some reason wish to return an item, please follow the guidelines.
We accept no liability for errors advertised on the web shop. 

-When you receive your product, please check if the color is as expected.

- Do not remove labels.

-Try on the clothes carefully, and with your underwear on.

-Please avoid trying on the clothes just after applying deodorant/perfume, and makeup.

-Always return the clothes in same condition, as when you received it, in original wrapping, and with all labels attached.

-The clothes must not have been worn, or washed, and we would like a short description of why the item is returned.

- If you are having difficulties with ordering the right size for you, don’t hesitate to send us an email with your measures, before you order, then we are able to find the right fit for you. Remember to fill out the return form.

-When returning a package, please make sure to get the receipt from the post office, and send it as package, so it is insured. We do not give any refund for a package, we have not received. It is also good idea to send us an email with name and address before returning an item. Please make sure the package is send to be delivered to our address – we do not pick up at the postoffice/box.

Rights of return:
If you regret your purchase, you have a 30 day return right, from the date of the day you received the package. Washed or in anyway used products can not be refunded. Gift certificates can not be exchanged into cash. By returning an item, the expedition fee or shipping is not refunded. Remember to fill out the return form.
Exchanging an item:
Any item can be exchanged within 30 days. Please send us the information on which size you want instead. To ease the expedition, we recommend you to visit our website, and check if the product is in stock. Washed and in any way used products can not be exchanged. Remember to fill out the return form. The return shipping is not refunded.There is an expedition fee for exchanging by min. 55,- kr that covers the costs of a new shipping depening on weight and size of package and which delivery company is used. 


We check all our products before shipping. But if there by chance should be a defect, please return the with a description of the defect. Products returned with defects, will be refunded with a new one of the same kind. If no replacement is to find, you will get cash refund. Remember to fill out the return formula.

As a customer, you have the right to complain about any defects in the product that were present at the time of purchase, within 24 months of the purchase. However, it is a prerequisite that these defects are not caused by misuse of the product, wear and tear or other harmful behavior that has led to the defect